You recycle at home, drive a more environmentally friendly car and save energy whenever you can. When you travel, the hotel industry is increasingly aware that you expect to see clear demonstrations of environmentally friendly good practice. The best news of all is that eco hotels can actually offer an enhanced visitor experience. Here are five ‘green’ features that distinguish the best eco-friendly hotels from the others.1. eco-friendly Hotels harmonize with nature.From a relaxing location amid well-managed woodland to recycling of rain water, eco-friendly hotels offer a total environment that harmonizes with and responds to nature. From the hotel’s commitment to be as ‘green’ as possible, to each individual recycling bin, eco-friendly hotels respect nature and prove it in the small details.2. Truly ‘green’ hotels support the environmentThe best eco-friendly hotels feature grounds where guests are encouraged to experience nature. This leads to a greater appreciation and understanding of our environment, and contributes to the ongoing conservation of natural areas. Enlightened eco hotels offer more than just a great night’s sleep; they set guests thinking about the environment and how we can all work to preserve it for future generations.3. Eco accommodation helps minimize consumption of materialsIt’s probably one of the most obvious aspects of true ‘green’ status, and one of the easiest to implement. A hotel that is committed to the environment will be making a serious attempt to minimize consumption of materials: rainwater harvesting, recycling (by the hotel and guests alike), and the use of sustainable products prove your hotel cares for the environment.4. Your eco hotel should have a proactive environmental policyGenuinely ‘green’ hotels will have a proactive environmental policy that is easily accessible to guests and staff alike. Above all, the hotel can show that it follows its own environmental policy; the hotel team should be trained in ‘green’ thinking and will actively encourage guests to be as ‘green’ as possible.5. An eco-friendly hotel won’t sacrifice luxury and room comfortWith an enlightened approach, there’s no reason why eco accommodation should sacrifice comfort and luxury. Comfy beds ensure a great night’s sleep while helping the environment through active sheet re-use programs; luxury bathrooms use recycled rain water for toilet flushing, while towel re-use schemes cut unnecessary laundering. Modern allergy awareness helps hotel management choose healthy furnishings and cleaning materials, while nice grounds and wonderful views promote the natural environment.Next time you’re traveling, choose an eco hotel, enjoy a great night’s accommodation and do your bit for eco tourism. Above all, look for environmentally friendly hotel characteristics alongside the usual secure parking, convenience and broadband access. Sleep well, enjoy a clear environmental conscience and have a great trip.
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Health Care Directives As Part Of Your Estate Plan
If you’re like most people, the words “estate planning” bring to mind such concepts as wills, trusts, life insurance policies, and other methods of transferring wealth and assets to your heirs following your death. However, a complete estate plan should also anticipate and address decisions to be made during your life, in the event of your own terminal illness, serious injury, or incapacity. Several estate planning tools deal with such situations. What follows are brief descriptions of the estate planning tools that allow you to declare your wishes regarding major health care and medical decisions, and to appoint a trusted individual to make such decisions for you, in the event you are unable to do so yourself. Because the laws regarding these documents vary from state to state, it is beyond the scope of this article to list the specific requirements for each (see our directory for links to each state’s living will forms).LIVING WILLIn the event of a serious accident or illness, your condition may prevent you from communicating your wishes to physicians or other healthcare providers about whether or not to provide life-prolonging procedures. The choice is yours – you can either direct that no life-prolonging procedures be used, or that any and all available procedures be used to keep you alive for as long as possible, regardless of your prognosis for recovery. By preparing a living will, you can declare your wishes now, while you are able to make and communicate such wishes.If you should become incapacitated (for example in a coma), and a physician has determined that your condition is irreversible, with no possibility of recovery, then the physicians will follow the instructions in your living will. In the absence of a living will, your family or other loved ones may be required to make this decision for you. If you have failed to make your wishes known, your family might have to guess what your decision would be. This can obviously lead to tremendous stress, anxiety, and possibly even family conflict. Make your wishes known and document them in a living will before it’s too late.When preparing a living will, be sure to follow your state’s laws regarding the formalities for such a document to be valid and effective. Many states specify the format to be used for a living will (for example, see the Illinois standard form for living wills). You may wish to consult an attorney for assistance in the preparation of this important document.DO NOT RESUSCITATE ORDERIt may be necessary to have a Do Not Resuscitate Order (“DNRO”) in addition to your living will. Emergency medical services personnel (such as paramedics or emergency room staff) may not be permitted or required to honor a living will, but would generally be required to honor a DNRO. Speak to your physician about obtaining a DNRO.DURABLE POWER OF ATTORNEY FOR HEALTH CAREYou can use a durable power of attorney (“POA”) for health care to appoint an attorney-in-fact (agent) to make health care decisions on your behalf, in the event that you are unable to make or communicate such decisions yourself. Whereas a living will addresses life-prolonging treatments, a health care POA also encompasses other medical treatments, as well as decisions regarding nursing home care, surgeries, etc. A health care POA may also come into play in situations in which the reversibility or irreversibility of your condition cannot be determined with certainty (in which case a living will may not be given effect). In the absence of such a document, the law would most likely allow your spouse or other close family member to make such decisions, but these individuals may not be aware of what your own wishes would be. So again, preparing a health care POA will not only ensure that your own wishes are carried out, but can also save your family from the stress and uncertainty of having to guess what your wishes would be. To ensure your agent knows and understands your wishes, you should of course discuss the contents of your health care POA with your agent.A Health Care Advance Directive is a document that combines your living will and health care power of attorney in one document.CONCLUSIONA comprehensive estate plan should include not only instructions about your assets to be put into effect after your death, but also one or all of the above health care directives to be followed in the event of your own incapacity, terminal illness, or serious injury.You may prepare your own health care directives using such services as LegalZoom or Nolo Press (see below). However, you may wish to consult an attorney to answer your specific questions, or for unique or unusually complex circumstances.
Qualifications Required For Commercial Loans
Have your money in your pocketA down payment of 20-30% will be required. This is determined by the asset type that you are going to purchase. Whether it’s retail, office, industrial, or a multi-family apartment building, the lender will require varying amounts for the down payment. Most lenders tend to leverage more money on a multi-family apartment building loan over industrial or retail.Once you have made your decision about the class of property to purchase and the choice of the actual property itself, you will put the property under contract. This is done by filling out a loan application. An up-front application fee is due at this time which will pay for the appraisal report as well as some third party reports. This application fee is usually nonrefundable. In addition, some lenders will require some processing fees.Depending on the type of property that you are going to purchase the processing fees can vary greatly. Typically, banks tend to have lower application fees over conduit lenders and pension funds. Fees for a multi-family apartment building can range anywhere from $3,500 to $12,000 at a bank. These same fees can be anywhere from $7,500 to $15,000 with one of the other lenders. If the terms are right this can still be an option for many though.One of the big issues for lenders is determining how to shore up any short falls. Not only that, they like to see 5% to 10% of the net worth for the amount of the loan being applied for in liquid assets. The net worth required of you as an individual can vary greatly depending on the lender you choose. Commercial lending requirements are much more strict than those of required of residential loans.Get your documentation togetherMost lenders today require full documentation for commercial loans. “Full Doc” loans require far more documentation than a residential loan. The commercial lending process itself is more in-depth as well. When applying for a commercial loan the following types of information will be requested; two years worth of federal tax returns with their supporting statements, a balance sheet which shows your assets and liabilities, bank statements with your liquid assets, plus the operating statements of the property you’re interested in purchasing.Your mortgage broker or lender may provide forms for you as the purchaser to fill out. These forms will help you compile all your financial information such as income statements or financial statements. A good mortgage broker will work with you to help assemble the documentation and they can even go over it annually with you.Even though there is a lot of information to gather, it is important to have it all in place so that the process can proceed smoothly. Once you are under a purchase contract there isn’t a lot of time to have everything done. Financing deadlines and contingency inspections among other things, dictate that you need to move quickly to make the deal happen. Once you’ve entered into the loan process itself and get your paperwork submitted you can start getting feedback from lenders regarding the types of terms that they can offer you.By having all your information complete and ready, the qualifying portion of the lending process can be handled in a timely and organized fashion.
How to Lease a Commercial Property – Your Questions Answered
Ever wondered how to lease a commercial property? Well, the time may come when you find yourself in a position to do so. You may have bought or acquired a property that is commercial, or is zoned commercially. Elapsing commercial property can be a huge money maker for you, especially if you lease a property in an area that is already designated as a commercial zone. People will pay a lot of money for location and convenience, as well as the license to trade out of certain buildings. You can most definitely use this to your advantage. However, before you go ahead and rent your property out, there are a few rules that you need to understand and follow. There is a specific process to leasing a commercial property.The rules of the gameWhen your tenant signs a lease agreement, you need to make it understood that they are committing to paying rent and other expenses on the building. They also need to understand the length of time that they are bound to the lease for and how that will affect their ability to move or change. Any lease agreement that you give a potential tenant needs to be legally binding and also needs to have been drawn up by a lawyer just to make sure that neither party is liable in the event of something going wrong.If you are looking to rent out your property for commercial purposes, you need to make sure that it is zoned correctly as well. You cannot operate a commercial property in a non-commercial zone. Once you have gotten all the necessary permits, you can then start to look for and secure tenants for your building. Part of the beauty of leasing commercial properties is that you can make your tenants stay in your building for a long time. Commercial lease agreements work on the basis of the fact that the tenant has to stay in the building for the period of the lease. They may not leave and must keep paying rent until the lease term is up. This means that you have a guaranteed source of income as the lessor.Curious as to whether the tenant pays rates and taxes or can later the premises? The tenant does pay rates and taxes themselves, so these are no longer your concern. The tenant must also obtain permission from you to alter the building, and all alterations must be overseen by them.
Slots and Fruits – Why Fruit in Your Slot
I bet you have always asked yourself the above question but was probably too busy to bother to find out the answer. Well, for your comfort, know that you are not alone. It is rather a question that is asked by many people. We all know that fruit is something that doctors recommend for us to devour on a daily basis and when you are in a country like Uganda that is filled with so much fruit, your choices are endless. Well, if it’s good for your health, having it on your favorite slot will probably entice you to love it more.
Slots are a whole other breed when it comes to casino games. They add a lot of flavor and color to the scene and they are partly the reason why casinos are always so cheerful and colorful. Not that other casino games are not interesting but games like poker and blackjack always seem to be so formal and serious. With slots, you can expect to find things like loud noise, a lot of binging and pinging, soundtracks and of course the excitement each time a win is made. They are truly a casino game that can be enjoyed both by playing and observation.
Why fruit?
To understand why you find fruit symbols like mangoes, cherries, bananas, oranges, melon and pears among others on your slot game, we need to travel back into their history. So let us delve a little into slot machine history for a little bit
The first slot machine is credited to Charles Fey from San Francisco who in 1899 invented the Liberty Bell, a three-reel coin pay out slot machine. The reels of the machine were made up of six symbols; a horseshoe, space, star, heart diamond and a cracked liberty bell. From that point on and for 75 years, and despite several inventions, the slot machine basically remained the same, with the same mechanism and symbolism.
It was not until the 1900s that Charles Fey teamed up with the Mills Novelty Company with the aim of increasing production and this is when the slot machine started to evolve. It was at that point when fruit symbols were introduced to replace the earlier imagery of the machine. The change of symbol and the new vibrancy of the machine worked so well for many players that at some point it was no longer called a slot machine but a fruit machine.
When gambling was outlawed in the 20th century, slot machines were turned into vending machines and they would give out things like chewing gum and mints. In other words, any wins would not earn players money since the machines dispensed chewing gum in various flavors. Also notable is that all bets would lead to win thus turning the machines into automatic vending machines.
In 1931, gambling was eventually legalized in Nevada and slot machines were introduced in casinos to occupy the wives of the more serious players. However, due to their beautiful imagery, the machines quickly became popular and were generating some good income for the casino houses. By the 1960s slot machines were a favorite in many casino houses and with advancement in technology that allowed for flashing lights and engaging or enticing noises, slots quickly became a firm favorite. Despite other inventions having been made, fruit seemed to stick and it is no surprise that many manufacturers eventually gave up the search for other slot symbols and instead concentrated on including more reels where more fruit could be accommodated.
4 Ways to Make Money Playing Card Games Online
Card games are on the list of most popular games across the world. Since there are a variety of these games, each game comes with its own set of rules. The good thing is that these games offer tons of fun. Plus, you can make tons of money playing these titles. In this article, we are going to talk about how you can make money playing these titles online.
1. Play Card Games on the Web
A few decades ago, you had to meet a person in person to play with them. But today, you can enjoy these games remotely on the web. As a matter of fact, a lot of online platforms allow you to get access to their products online.
So, if you want to make money online, make sure you stick a platform that allows you to make money playing their games.
2. Take Part in Tournaments
Another great way to make money online is to take part in tournaments. On some websites, you can join tournaments by paying a small fee. Typically, these tournaments run for a few days or weeks. Once you have won, you may get real money as a reward.
Apart from this, physical competitions and tournaments are organized during special events or festivals. And this is what makes these festivals so much fun.
3. Test New Games
Another great way of making money playing card games is to test games. On the internet, you can get paid by testing some new games. However, you may want to keep in mind that you should play the game for several hours to provide detailed feedback.
The idea is to play the game, spot bugs, and write about them so that the developers could fix these issues. Apart from this, you can play the title and express your opinion about how smooth or laggy the gameplay is.
The developers will consider your feedback and make necessary corrections to the title. This is important to make the product successful.
4. Become an Expert and get Paid regularly
You can also play a lot of online card games to make a living. You can engage in this type of activity part-time or full-time depending upon your available time. To become a paid player, you have to be an expert player. This way you will get paid on a regular basis.
As a paid expert player, you must take the time to be an expert player. In other words, you have to learn the skills and put together solid strategies to create amazing gameplay footage. You follow a variety of strategies rather than stick to one. By following a set of strategies, you can beat your opponents in different ways.
Long story short, this is how you can make money online playing your favorite card games online from the comfort of your home. So, if you are looking to make money online, we suggest that you choose from some good titles based on your personal interests. Hopefully, this will help you opt for the best game.
How Cryptocurrency Trading Software Is Helping To Grow Your Crypto Platform
The cryptocurrency trading software package is an integrated system to manage all aspects of cryptocurrency trading platform like all kinds of crypto buy, sell, exchange, lending, MLM & affiliate management, converting, live market comparison & analyzing etc.
Important features you should consider:
Buy, Sell And Exchange: Nishue is the impressive trading management system offers a smooth and secure methodology for your users to effortlessly Buy, Sell and exchange cryptocurrencies.
Lending system management: This system is completely brokering friendly has a system to manage Crypto lending service, like create manage offers, maintain and moderation etc
Unique Admin Module: Nishue contains a secure and advanced Admin Module for you to control your Cryptocurrency exchange end-to-end.
Separate customer profile: Separate customer profile module that helps your users to easily track and check all Open deposit or withdraw orders, Records, Transactions etc. on just a click.
MLM & affiliate management: This marketing ready automation tools facilitate to manage your level wise affiliate commission, contribution history, and documents.
Market comparison & Converter: Two additional system has been integrated for live Crypto Comparison, Conversion & Depth analysis.
How Cryptocurrency Trading Software Is Helping To Grow Your Crypto Platform:
Coin Deposit & Withdraw: Crypto trader need to maintain enormous Deposit and Withdraw request daily. Trading software aid to manage your activity with its auto set algorithm.
Coin Package & Lending offer: Keep your various coin package and lending offer at the fingers end of your customer. You can create, manage and advertise your offer using a well-designed package.
Level wise commission: If you follow the MLM strategy to reward your respective participants, and worried about set their commission? OK, It is ready to auto calculate their level wise commission.
Notification & Risk management: Every crypto trading platform must arrange push notification system to keep itself and its client up to date about many alarming issues thus help eliminate risk. In this case, a system project is totally perfect.
Multiple Payment Gateway: You can Integrate your cryptocurrency wallet, Local currency, Payeer Even Mobile Banking system as a Payment method within this software to make your transaction hassle free.
Daily, Weekly & Monthly ROI: Are you worried about maintaining ROI as per you said. This cryptocurrency trading management software can auto calculate ROI, commission, and others as per your given instruction.
Free Responsive Website: It must have integrated a fully responsive, SEO optimized dynamic website with our system and it is totally free. It will help you to manage your enterprise smoothly.
Crypto Comparison, Conversion & Depth analysis: Crypto live market cap & coin convertor two addition system has been integrated for live Crypto Comparison, Conversion & Depth analysis
100% secured System: A trading software is designed after having highly security issue in mind. Secured Integer framework, two-factor authentication, and much other security systems have been applied in this cryptocurrency trading software.
The absolute package exclusively for spot cryptocurrency trading that allows users to trade Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum and Litecoin through Coinbase. Built upon the same technology that powers the Nishue software, It incorporates proven market-leading tools developed over 25 years to provide both professional and active cryptocurrency traders with a better experience than what’s currently offered by other crypto-only trading solutions.
Tips to Choose the Best Crypto Signal Service
If you keep an eye on the market, crypto trading can be profitable for you. However, you may find it hard at times. Fortunately, if you need assistance, you can give a go to crypto signal services. The signals offered by them can be used to make the right decision, at the right time. You can choose from a lot of service providers. Given below are a few tips that can help you choose the right one. Read on to know more.
Service Quality
When opting for a service, quality is the number one factor to consider. Ideally, the trading platform should have an awesome success rate as far as predictions are concerned. Aside from this, it should provide relevant impulses so you can get a better idea of the market trends and trades.
Moreover, you should be able to receive the signal promptly so you can make the right moves. The service provider should be able to generate signals as fast as possible.
Keep in mind that the service should be reliable as you are going to make your trade decisions based on their guidance. Hence, you might want to opt for a service that you can depend on. This is the only way to make the right choice and be on the safe side.
What you need to do is hire the services of a provider who is legitimate. You are going to consult expert traders, not an automated software program.
Free Trial
How can you find out if a provider is genuine? The best way is to give a go to their service. Many providers offer a free trial service. This is true even if you are going to hire any service, not just crypt trading.
The trial service will allow you to find out if the service is reliable. Once you have tested the service, you can go ahead and pay for it for a long-term.
After the trial period expires, you will have to pay for the service. Here it’s important to keep in mind that providers who offer crypto signals for free of charge may not be reliable. In the same way, you might not want to pay a lot of money for the trial period either. As a matter of fact, the price of packages should be fair so you can enjoy the service without breaking the bank. So, you might want to do your homework to get the right service without spending a good deal of money.
Although it’s great if their support is available round the clock, the important thing is to get the right information at the right time. They should be able to answer your questions until you are satisfied.
Without reliable customer support, you can’t benefit from the crypto signal service the way you should.
In short, if you are going to hire the service of a crypto signal service, we suggest that you follow the tips given in this article. This way you can make the right choice.
Crypto Currency Vs Fiat Currency
Crypto currency vs. Fiat currency
Are you aware of the fiat currencies and the crypto currencies? They both are currencies in one form or the other and are open for public use across the world. But they are both different and distinct in their own ways. There is always one group that favors the use of cryptos, while the other has a soft corner for the fiat currencies.
In cashless society- crypto money play a huge role
If you have a look at the market of the 1970s and 1980s, you will find that the cash played the dominant role. But, with the change in the technology, electronic transactions have become the usual norm. Today, more and more people are influenced in becoming the cashless society. With the progress towards the cashless society, cryptocurrencies have a big role to play.
Crypto currency and fiat currency are always at loggerheads
Cryptocurrency and fiat currency are popular types of digital currency, especially when it is about an online transaction. They both are currencies currently in use in the market but have some differences in them. There is a hell lot of hypes that you will hear on a daily basis comparing the crypto money and the fiat money. This article will highlight the difference between the two in a more comprehensive and clear manner.
Differentiating in what the currencies stand for
Before going for the difference between the two, you must understand what do they stand for and how are they are defined.
The fiat currency is a legal tender that has the support of the central government, and it operates in the physical form. For instance, US dollars, British Pounds, Euro etc. On the other hand, the crypto currency is a non-legal tender, and doesn’t have any backup from the central government or bank.
Hence, the difference between crypto currency and fiat currency is noted as follows:
• Crypto-currencies are decentralized and global in nature. There are no one entity or government that controls the currency with their laws and regulations. The Fiat currency is centralized, under the control of the laws and regulations of the banks and government.
• Crypto-currencies have their existence only in the digital domain. On the other hand, you will find that the fiat currencies have a tangible and physical existence.
• There is a limited supply of crypto-currencies with a maximum set of them getting supplied in the market. Whereas, the fiat money has an unlimited supply as the government and bank are entitled to produce coins and paper money whenever the situation is required.
• The Bitcoin and other crypto type currencies are created by the computers, while the fiat currencies are issued by the local government and the banks.
• Cryptocurrencies are presented as the public and private code pieces. On the other hand, the fiat currencies are presented in the form of coins and paper money.
• The value of the crypto currencies is not recognized by the supply and demand of the market. Whereas, the fiat currency value is determined by the market regulations of supply and demand.
The different types of crypto and fiat currencies
In the last one decade, the popularity of crypto type currencies has emerged as a huge success. It was in 2009, when Bitcoin was first introduced, and years after several other types of crypto currencies have emerged. Starting from Litecoin. Dogecoin, Ripple to the Dcash and Zcash, there is a plethora of them. On the other hand, the fiat currency has a rich and ancient roots, with the Great British Pound, that dates back to 775 AD. It is considered as the oldest currency in the world that is still in use.
The differences in the anonymity between the two currencies
When you are using the fiat currencies, you need to undergo a user identification or verification process. You are asked to upload a recent picture of yourself and some of the required documents to be issued as per the public authorities. You don’t need to undergo any of the required processes with the crypto currencies. Though your personal information and confidential details don’t get public, but all your transactions are recorded and tracked in both the fiat and the crypto currencies.
Fiat currency vs crypto currency: transparency level
• The transparency level with the crypto type currencies are considered to be more. This is because the revenue streams are displayed in a public chain. Everyone can witness their own and others’ transactions.
• The fiat or govt. currencies are not transparent, as there are not public chains to see the revenue streams of the people.
A comparative historical roots
If you compare the crypto money with that of its counterpart, fiat or government currency, you will find that their existence and creation brings the difference. The Fiat or government currency, dates back its existence as early as 775 AD with the introduction of the Great British Pound. This is why fiat type currency is easily accepted by the people all over.
On the other hand, the crypto coin was perhaps first introduced only a decade ago, with the introduction of Bitcoin in 2009. The challenge that the Bitcoin and other crypto currencies face is catching up with the immense popularity and increasing fan base of the fiat currency. Crypto currency, is no doubt gaining importance and popularity in the economic market, but it has still not been accepted widely in the society as the fiat currency.
A comparative history of the two currencies:
• It was in the 11th century, when the Chinese Song dynasty was perhaps the first one to issue the paper money. It was not allowed to exchange with valuables like gold and silver or silk.
• There were Tally sticks that were introduced as a fiat or government currency. 1100 Tally sticks were introduced as a combat for the shortages in gold.
• 1971, was the year, when the fiat currency received a worldwide recognition. President Nixon introduced it in order to eliminate the dollar pegging system to gold.
• It was in 1998, when the idea of an anonymous electronic cash system emerged by Wei Dai. Bitgold-the very first crypto currency was created by Nick Szabo, but it didn’t receive as much attention as Bitcoin.
• In 2009, Bitcoin was introduced in the market, that became the first crypto currency that was accepted across the globe. In 2011 and after, a series of several other crypto currencies were introduced. Some of the popular ones include, Litecoin, Dogecoin, Ethereum, Ripple, Zcash, Dash and so on.
The traits of both the currencies
The potential of the crypto type currencies and fiat currencies, accessing their traits is important. You will find that in some of the criteria, Bitcoin and other crypto currency is superior than the fiat or government currency, and in some cases, the latter surpasses. It is absolutely your call to choose the type of currency (crypto type currency or fiat type currency) based on your personal needs and requirements.
Let us compare their traits with respect to certain factors.
• Both the crypto coins and fiat type currencies are interchangeable in nature.
• As per the portability is concerned both the currencies secure more or less the same position.
• With respect to the non consumable criteria, crypto currency and fiat type currency have the equal status.
• Crypto type currencies have high durability as compared to the fiat-currencies that have moderate level of durability.
• Both the crypto or virtual currencies and the fiat or government currencies ensure secure and safeguarded transactions and exchange.
• Crypto or digital currencies are highly divisible in nature. On the other hand, the fiat type currencies are moderately divisible.
• In terms of the transaction process, the crypto currencies are easy and hassle free. Whereas, on the other hand, the traction process associated with the fiat currencies are easy, but not like the cryptos.
• The crypto based currencies are decentralized and global in nature, unlike the fiat currencies that are centralized and functions under the laws and regulations of the government.
• The crypto based currencies have high scarcity, where as, the fiat currencies are unlimited as the government can issue coins and paper money whenever there is a need.
• The crypto based currencies are based on mathematical algorithms, and are programmable. The fiat currencies are not at all programmable.
• The fiat currencies are sovereign in nature, while the crypto currencies are not.
The process of the functioning of the currencies
You can find the significant differences between the crypto or digital currencies and the fiat currencies with the way they both operate and the transaction process that take place. They are contrasting in nature. The transfer of money using the Bitcoin is very quick, and you absolutely don’t need any third party association.
On the other hand, if you are involved with the money exchange using Fiat type currency, a mobile wallet is in use. You can exchange an amount of e-money that gets transferred into the equal e-value amount. Both the fiat and the crypto currencies enable you to purchase everything that you desire. But the processes involved are absolutely distinct from each other.
Depending on the things you purchase, you will find that one currency form is better than the other. This is absolutely your choice.
Is Bitcoin, a crypto currency better than the fiat-currency?
The long term benefits and the capability of the Bitcoins is still not established. But it has been predicted by the crypto currency gurus and experts, that they will go a long way, especially revolutionizing the way the online transactions are done. In the current market, the Bitcoin is mainly included in the online casinos and the gambling, but it is not limited to it.
Furthermore, when you compare the fiat currencies, the Bitcoin allows you to seize the power and authority from the banks and the government since it is not controlled. The cryptography based currency has the capability to create or come up with the free market capitals. Fiat currencies are affected by the inflation and the changes in the market, unlike the crypto based currencies. Such aspects make individuals believe that cryptograph based currencies will soon take over the mainstream currencies and bring a transformation in the way the money is used.
Why is Bitcoins considered to be a better aspect than the fiat type currencies?
• Bitcoin gives you the opportunity to re-create a free market capitalism.
• The power of controlling the money is absolutely with the individuals, and not with the banks like the fiat type currencies.
• When there is an inflation, the Bitcoin is not affected. But the Fiat type currency will be easier to lose and get affected by it.
• The Bitcoin currency is easy easier to exchange and transfer as compared to the fiat or government currencies.
• The transaction fees involved with the Bitcoin are way cheaper and easily affordable.
Crypto currencies seem to be a favorable option among the people
The fiat type currencies are the centralized and legal way of exchanging money. But, the crypto currencies have acquired immense popularity in the past few years. There will never be anyone who would act as a middle man, like the case with the banks. Moreover, the cryptos are way cheaper and less expensive that the conventional fiat currencies.
Send money anywhere directly without waiting for the bank’s approval
You can send money to anyone in the world directly, and it is super fast. The money gets cleared within a few minutes time. You don’t have to wait for the traditional clearing and verification processes of the banking systems, which might take up to several days to get a clearance. Since it is decentralized and doesn’t come under the law and regulations of the government, nobody has any power to do anything with your account.
The blockchain technology has a very big role to play
Thanks to the crypto currencies, that gives us the power and the authority to become our very own bank, and take control over our finances. It is because of the blockchain technology that offers a higher level of sophistication while dealing with the finances. In fact, there are some mainstream financial industries that have started incorporating the idea of the technology.
Crypto Market Analysis
Cryptocurrency have been around for a while now and there are multiple papers and articles on basics of Cryptocurrency. Not only have the Cryptocurrency flourished but have opened up as a new and trusted opportunity for investors. The crypto market is still young but mature enough to pour in the adequate amount of data for analysis and predict the trends. Though it is considered as the most volatile market and a huge gamble as an investment, it has now become predictable to a certain point and the Bitcoin futures are a proof of this. Many concepts of the stock market have now been applied to the crypto market with some tweaks and changes. This gives us another proof that many people are adopting Cryptocurrency market every day, and currently more than 500 million investors are present in it. Though the total market cap of crypto market is $286.14 Billion that is roughly 1/65th of the stock market at the time of writing, the market potential is very high considering the success despite its age and the presence of already established financial markets. The reason behind this is nothing else but the fact that people have started believing in the technology and the products backing a crypto. This also means that the crypto technology have proven itself and so much that the companies have agreed to put their assets in the form of crypto coins or tokens. The concept of Cryptocurrency became successful with the success of Bitcoin. Bitcoin, which once used to be the only Cryptocurrency, now contributes only 37.6% to the total Cryptocurrency market. The reason being, emergence of new Cryptocurrencies and the success of projects backing them. This does not indicate that Bitcoin failed, in fact market capitalization of Bitcoin has increased, rather what this indicates is that crypto market have expanded as a whole.
These facts are enough to prove the success of Cryptocurrencies and their market. And in reality investment in Crypto market is considered as safe now, to the extent that some invest as for their retirement plan. Therefore what we need next are the tools for analysis of crypto market. There are many such tools that enable you to analyze this market in a manner similar to stock market providing similar metrics. Including coin market cap, coin stalker, cryptoz and investing. Even thought these metrics are simple, the do provide crucial information about the crypto under consideration. For example, a high market cap indicates a strong project, a high 24hour volume indicates high demand and circulating supply indicates the total amount of coins of that crypto in circulation. Another important metric is volatility of a crypto. Volatility is how much the price of a crypto fluctuates. Crypto market is considered as highly volatile, cashing out at a moment might bring in a lot of profit or make you pull your hairs. Thus what we look for is a crypto that is stable enough to give us time to make a calculated decision. Currencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Ethereum-classic (not specifically) are considered as stable. With being stable, they need to be strong enough, so that they do not become invalid or simply stop existing in the market. These features make a crypto reliable, and the most reliable Cryptocurrencies are used as a form of liquidity.
As far is crypto market is concerned, volatility comes hand in hand, but so do its most important property i.e. Decentralization. Crypto market is decentralized, what this means is that the price fall in one crypto does not necessarily means down trend of any other crypto. Thus giving us an opportunity in the form of what are called mutual funds. It’s a Concept of managing a portfolio of the crypto currencies that you invest in. The Idea is to spread your investments to multiple Cryptocurrencies so as to reduce the risk involved if any crypto starts on a bear run
Similar to this concept is the concept of Indices in crypto market. Indices provide a standard point of reference for the market as a whole. The Idea is to choose the top currencies in the market and distribute the investment among them. These chosen crypto currencies change if the index are dynamic in nature and only consider the top currencies. For example if a currency ‘X’ drops down to 11th position in crypto market, the index considering top 10 currencies would now won’t consider currency ‘X’, rather start considering currency ‘Y’ which have taken it’s place. Some providers such as cci30 and crypto20 have tokenized these Crypto indices. While this might look like a good Idea to some, others oppose due to the fact that there are some pre-requisites to invest in these tokens such as a minimum amount of investment is needed. While others such as cryptoz provide the methodology and a the index value, along with the currency constituents so that an investor is free to invest the amount he/she wants to and choose not to invest in a crypto otherwise included in an index. Thus, indices give you a choice to further smooth out the volatility and reduce the risk involved.
The crypto market might look risky at first look and many might still be skeptical of its authenticity, But the maturity that this market has attained within the short period of its existence is amazing and the proof enough for its authenticity. The biggest concern that investors have is volatility, for which there had been a solution in form of indices.